My Setup is that I have a Maxxecu Race, a PDM15 and a BlinkMarine Keypad
Maxxecu wants to use the J1939 protocol. It can (?) use the CanOpen also, maybe?
PDM15 uses CanOpen, and cannot use J1939
Keypad can use both
Right now I have Maxxecu in J1939 and Keypad in J1939. With that I have communication between Maxxecu and the keypad working.
However I would need to get info from the keypad to the PDM somehow. Either to have the PDM read the messages on the canbus from the Keypad or through Maxxecu
I have loaded the Maxxecu can config into the PDM and from looking at the monitor, it looks like messages are coming in. Referring to the video about Fueltech the 'progressbars' are not timing out
So the question: With this setup, would I need to have the Maxxecu and Keypad talk to each other, and then send the data over to the PDM from maxxecu? Or is there any way to get them all to talk on the same canbus ..? So I can get the PDM and keypad to talk directly
I´m guessing others have setup maxxecu with a pdm15 since the configfile is in the downloads ..
Thank you everyone for explaining to Otto what his options are. As has been stated, you can go about it in two ways. Keypad to ECU communication with data relaying to the PDM, or Keypad to PDM communication with data relaying to the ECU.
If you have trouble with either method, just let me know and i can help you out.
Today the PDM is able to send only time triggered CAN messages.
If you will configure the keypad on the pdm and sent the button state to the ecu via CAN output on PDM so it will have a delay.
But George has written, the next software update of the PDM will have event triggered CAN output too.
So I think there are more possibilities :-D
Yeah I will check out the user channels and sending the data from maxx to hw over can
Right now I have low-side(grounding) wires from the ecu to hw inputs to trigger the fan, pump etc. But it would be nice to use them for other things if I get the can communication going :)
Send the keypad button state over the User Channels, or you can use the Custom Can out. you will need to add some config to the maxxecu protocol from Hardwire. Maxx is listed in Hex, Hardwire needs in decimal.
you can also go lo tech if you have spare outputs and wire the fan,waterpump, starter, etc output wires to PDM input.
zarpspeed: I have a 12button keypad. So far I´m not using to many of them but some: Dash light: Would wanna go to PDM Dip beam: Should go to PDM Fan override: Could go either way, PDM is driving output that ecu is triggering Waterpump override: Could go either way, PDM is driving output that ecu is triggering Dash Next page: Must go to ECU (maxxecu tablet dash function) Dash alarm reset: Must go to ECU (maxxecu tablet dash function) Stop/Start engine: Stop engine is a function in maxxecu that it could connect to. Starter solenoid is driven by PDM Hazard lights: Would wanna go to PDM. This is a tricky one right now
That´s how far I have gotten so far. So it would be great if everything could play together :)
are more keypad buttons controlling ecu or PDM? id also look at the CAN Output and which has more flexibility. My thought would be keypad to MaxxECU and then send to PDM. You may need to write or add to the 1.3 protocol.
Yeah my goal was that the ECU and PDM could have shared care of the buttons on the Keypad, but I understand now that it wont be possible.
What is your goal you looking for? All devices can work on the same network (CAN bus) if they uses the same speed (bitrate). If you want to control the PDM with the keypad, so do the configuration on the PDM. If you want to control the ECU with the keypad, so do the configuration on the ECU.
You can't do direct control on both. Because the device you use for configuration (PDM or ECU) controls the behavior of the keypad.
If you use the PDM with the keypad so you can configure a CAN message with informations you want inside the PDM. Maybe to send one or three button state(s) to the ECU.
The transport protocol is in case of the configuration not your problem. It must be supported by you device of choise.